Rearend Door Window Defogger Wire Inspection
When cleaning rear window glass, use a dry cloth to wipe it along heat wire (1) direction.
When cleaning glass, do not use detergent or abrasive-containing glass cleaner.
When measuring wire voltage, use a tester with negative probe (2) wrapped with a tin foil (3) which should be held down on wire by finger pressure.
Wire Damage Inspection
1) Turn ignition switch ON.
2) Turn defogger switch ON.
3) Check voltage at the center (1) of each heat wire as shown.
If measured voltage is 10 V, wire must be damaged between its center and positive end (5).
If voltage is 0 V, wire must be damaged between its center and ground end (6).
Defogger wire voltage
Voltage Criteria
Approx. 5 V (2) Good (No break in wire)
Approx. 10 V (3) or 0 V (4) Broken wire
X: Damage point
Damage Point Locating
1) Turn ignition switch ON.
2) Turn defogger switch ON.
3) Touch voltmeter positive (+) lead to heat wire positive terminal end (1).
4) Touch voltmeter negative (–) lead with a foil strip to heat wire positive terminal end (1), then move it along wire to the negative terminal end (2).
5) The place where voltmeter fluctuates from 0 V (3) to several volts (4) is where there is damage.
If heat wire is free from damage, voltmeter should indicate 12 V at heat wire positive terminal end and its indication should decrease gradually toward zero at the other terminal (ground).
X: Damage point