1st & Reverse Brake Inspection
Check 1st and reverse brake disc set for burn, damage, deformation or discoloration. When there is anything faulty, replace it.
Measure free length “a” of 1st and reverse brake piston return spring. When measured value is less than specified value, replace it.
Free length “a” includes thickness of spring seat (1).
1st and reverse brake piston return spring free length
“a”: 19.15 mm (0.754 in.)
Pack Clearance Check
1) Install retaining plate and 1st and reverse brake disc set (1) (4 friction discs, 3 friction plates and separator plate (2)) in the transmission case, then install the snap ring.
2) Blow air into oil passage (3) as shown in figure below and measure pack clearance “a”. When measured value is out of specified value range, it is possible that there is air leakage, seizure or worn 1st & reverse brake disc set (1).
Pack clearance
“a”: 0.62 – 1.37 mm (0.024 – 0.054 in.)
3) After inspection, remove snap ring, separator plate, 4 friction discs, 3 friction plates and retaining plate from transmission case.