DTC P0707 (No.34): Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low
Wiring Diagram
1. TCM [A]: Terminal arrangement of TCM connector (M13 engine model with VVT) (viewed from harness side)
2. Transmission range sensor [B]: Terminal arrangement of TCM connector (M13 engine model without VVT) (viewed from harness side)
3. Back up lamp      
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
DTC detecting condition Trouble area
Transmission range switch signal (P, R, N, D, 2, or L) is not inputted for more than 32 seconds when vehicle speed is faster than 30 km/h (19 mile/h) and engine speed is faster than 1500 rpm.
Select cable maladjusted.
Transmission range sensor (switch) maladjusted.
Transmission range sensor (switch) or its circuit malfunction.
DTC Confirmation Procedure
When performing a road test, select a place where there is no traffic or possibility of a traffic accident and be very careful during testing to avoid occurrence of an accident.
Road test should be carried out with 2 persons, a driver and tester, on a level road.
1) Connect scan tool to DLC with ignition switch OFF.
2) Clear DTCs in TCM memory by using scan tool.
3) Start engine and shift select lever.
4) Shift select lever to “D” range.
5) Start vehicle and increase vehicle speed to 40 km/h (25 mile/h) or more for 1 minutes.
6) Stop vehicle and turn ignition switch OFF.
7) Repeat Step 3) to 5) one time.
8) Stop vehicle and check DTC.
Step Action YES NO
Was A/T System Check performed?
Go to Step 2.
Do you have SUZUKI scan tool?
Go to Step 3.
Go to Step 4.
Check Transmission range sensor (switch) circuit for operation
Check by using SUZUKI scan tool:
1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with ignition switch OFF.
2) Turn ignition switch ON and check transmission range signal (P, R, N, D, 2 or L) on display when shifting select lever to each range.
Is applicable range indicated? Are check results satisfactory?
Intermittent trouble.
Check for intermittent referring to Intermittent and Poor Connection Inspection .
Go to Step 5.
Check Transmission range sensor (switch) circuit for operation
Check by not using SUZUKI scan tool:
1) Turn ignition switch ON.
2) Check voltage at terminals (“E122-1”, “E122-7”, “E122-8”, “E122-18”, “E122-19” and “E122-20” [A]) or (“E124-1”, “E124-2”, “E124-8”, “E124-9”, “E124-20” and “E124-21” [B]) respectively with select lever shifted to each range.
Taking terminal “E122-19” [A] or “E124-21” [B] as an example, is battery voltage indicated only when select lever is shifted to “2” range and 0 V for other ranges as shown in the following table.
Check voltage at other terminals likewise, referring to the following table.
Are check results satisfactory?
Intermittent trouble.
Check for intermittent referring to Intermittent and Poor Connection Inspection .
Go to Step 5.
Check transmission range sensor for installation position
1) Shift select lever to “N” range.
2) Check that “N” reference line on sensor and needle direction shaped on lock washer are aligned.
Are they aligned?
Go to Step 7.
Check select cable for adjustment
Check select cable for adjustment referring to Selector Rod Adjustment .
Is it adjusted correctly?
Go to Step 6.
Check transmission range sensor (switch)
Check transmission range sensor (switch) referring to Transmission Range Sensor (Shift Switch) Adjustment and Inspection .
Are check results satisfactory?
“RED/BLK”, “ORN/BLK”, “RED”, “ORN”, “GRN/RED”, “GRN” or “BLU/WHT” circuit open or short to ground.
If wires and connections are OK, substitute a know-good TCM and recheck.
Replace Transmission range sensor.
Table for Step 4
M13 engine model with VVT E122-20 E122-1 E122-8 E122-7 E122-19 E122-18
M13 engine model without VVT E124-2 E124-1 E124-9 E124-8 E124-21 E124-20
Select lever position P 8 – 14 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V
R 0 V 8 – 14 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V
N 0 V 0 V 8 – 14 V 0 V 0 V 0 V
D or 3 0 V 0 V 0 V 8 – 14 V 0 V 0 V
2 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 8 – 14 V 0 V
L 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 0 V 8 – 14 V