Front Disc Brake Components
M13 Engine Model
1. Caliper pin bolt 10. Carrier bolt
2. Boot 11. Brake caliper carrier
icon 3. Cylinder slide bush
: Apply rubber grease to mating surface of caliper.
12. Pad clip
4. Bleeder plug cap 13. Disc brake caliper
5. Bleeder plug 14. Disc brake pad
6. Anti noise shim icon 15. Piston seal
: Apply brake fluid to all around part of piston seal.
icon 7. Disc brake piston
: Apply brake fluid to contact surface of cylinder.
icon : Tightening torque
8. Cylinder boot icon : Do not reuse.
9. Seat ring (boot ring)      
K9K Engine Model
1. Caliper pin bolt
icon 10. Disk brake piston
: Apply brake fluid to contact surface of cylinder.
2. Bleeder plug cap icon 11. Piston seal
: Apply brake fluid to all around part of piston seal.
3. Bleeder plug 12. Cylinder boot
4. Disk brake caliper icon 13. Disk brake pad
: For right side brake, install pad with wear indicator to vehicle center side.
icon 5. Slide pin
: Apply rubber grease (included in spare parts) to pin outer surface.
14. Anti noise shim
6. Boot 15. Brake disk
7. Pad spring icon : Tightening torque
8. Brake caliper carrier icon : Do not reuse.
9. Carrier bolt