Irregular and / or Premature Wear Description
Irregular and premature wear has many causes. Some of them are: incorrect inflation pressures, lack of tire rotation, driving habits, improper alignment.
If the following conditions are noted, rotation is necessary:
Front tire wear is different from rear.
Uneven wear exists across the tread of any tire.
Front tire wear is unequal between the right and left.
Rear tire wear is unequal between the right and left.
There is cupping, flat spotting, etc.
A wheel alignment check is necessary if the following conditions are noted:
Front tire wear is unequal between the right and left.
Wear is uneven across the tread of any front tire.
Front tire treads have scuffed appearance with “feather” edges on one side of tread ribs or blocks.
[A]: Hard cornering, under inflation or lack of tire rotation
[B]: Incorrect wheel alignment, tire construction not uniform or wheel heavy acceleration