DTC P0605 / P0606: Control Module Program Error
This DTC indicated only with SUZUKI scan tool.
If DTC P0606 is detected, engine shuts off or engine runs noisily at 1300 rpm.
Detecting Condition
Status displayed on SUZUKI scan tool Detecting condition Indicator / Warning light operation
D1 Analogue/Digital converter Red stop warning light (gravity 2 fault) light up
D4 Injector parameter fault Injection warning light (gravity 1 fault) light up
D5 Checksum code/Calibration fault Red stop warning light (gravity 2 fault) light up
D6 Watchdog fault
D7 Noise in injector control line
D8 Watchdog stuck Injection warning light (gravity 1 fault) light up
Troubleshooting for D1: Analogue / Digital Converter, D5: Checksum Code / Calibration Fault, D6: Watchdog Fault and D8: Watchdog Stuck
Check the connection and condition of the ECM “C47” connector.
Repair if necessary.
Rewrite program in the ECM again, refer to ECM Registration:K9K .
If DTC P0606 is still detected, replace the ECM.
Troubleshooting for D4: Injector Parameter Fault
Check that the registered injector calibration code matches the injectors.
If not, rewrite the injector calibration codes in the ECM referring to ECM Registration:K9K .
If injector calibration code corresponds correctly to the injectors, replace the ECM.
Troubleshooting for D7: Noise in Injector Control Line
Check the ECM harness condition (pinched, cut, worn, damaged connector) between each fuel injector connector and ECM connector.
Repair if necessary.
If DTC P0606 is still detected, replace the ECM.
After Repair
Deal with any faults detected by SUZUKI scan tool.
Clear the DTC.
Carry out a road test followed by another check with the SUZUKI scan tool.