Cylinder number is counted from flywheel side.
Fault finding procedure application conditions for stored DTC:
The DTC is detected when engine is running at idle speed.
Priority when dealing with a number of DTCs:
If DTC P0203 (CO: open circuit or CC: short circuit) and DTC P0269 are detected, deal with DTC P0203 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 3 first.
If DTC P0089 (D1: Parameter at Limit Minimum, D2: Parameter at Limit Maximum or D7: Trim Minimum for Low Fuel) and DTC P0269 are detected, deal with DTC P0089 Fuel Pressure Regulator Performance Problem first.
If DTC P0269 is detected, engine performance reduced to 75% and injection warning light (gravity 1 fault) light up.