Wire Color Symbols
Symbol Wire Color Symbol Wire Color
B BLK Black O, Or ORN Orange
Bl BLU Blue R RED Red
Br BRN Brown W WHT White
G GRN Green Y YEL Yellow
Gr GRY Gray P PNK Pink
Lbl LT BLU Light blue V PPL Violet
Lg LT GRN Light green      
There are two kinds of colored wire used in this vehicle. One is single-colored wire and the other is dual-colored (striped) wire.
The single-colored wire uses only one color symbol (i.e. “GRN”).
The dual-colored wire uses two color symbols (i.e. “GRN/YEL”). The first symbol represents the base color of the wire (“GRN” in the figure) and the second symbol represents the color of the stripe (“YEL” in the figure).